Bigger and Better: Stranger Things Season 4 Part I(Series Review)

Wow!! That is the one word that describes the first part of season 4. What started as a small child play gone wrong kind of series has reached its full potential(almost) and will make you glued to your seats. Personally, season 3 was a let-off from the promising first 2 seasons, but this one is a BANGER. With multiple twists and turns and characters reaching new dimensions, season 4 is nothing short of a spectacle, let us say, its not child's play anymore. The budget must have increased and that is evident. Season 4 reveals a lot of secrets that were not shown in the previous ones(Oh! now it makes sense). The background scores and cinematography is too good. This is an absolute binge watch series, and expectations are quite high for part 2.

Rating: 4.2/5

Stranger Things Season 4 Poster Features Vecna, the Creel House, and All  Your Favorite Characters - IGN


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