
Showing posts from May, 2022

Daring - John Luther(Movie Review)

It's been a while since Jayasurya has worn the Kakki uniform and he did not disappoint. The script and direction by Abhijith Joseph try to come out of cliche police investigation movies. Has he made it foolproof?, the answer will be NO. The story is engaging from the start itself. Jayasurya plays the character of a daring workaholic police officer and he is faced with a tough case. The narration is linear and straight forward. The cinematography and background are above par as well. On acting Jayasurya has done his part well, to be honest, there aren't any notable performances and the script is not asking for that as well. Family scenes at Jayasurya's home felt a bit boring and unnecessary. Overall, it is a pretty decent thriller to spend time with. Rating: 6.5/10  

Bigger and Better: Stranger Things Season 4 Part I(Series Review)

Wow!! That is the one word that describes the first part of season 4. What started as a small child play gone wrong kind of series has reached its full potential(almost) and will make you glued to your seats. Personally, season 3 was a let-off from the promising first 2 seasons, but this one is a BANGER. With multiple twists and turns and characters reaching new dimensions, season 4 is nothing short of a spectacle, let us say, its not child's play anymore. The budget must have increased and that is evident. Season 4 reveals a lot of secrets that were not shown in the previous ones(Oh! now it makes sense). The background scores and cinematography is too good. This is an absolute binge watch series, and expectations are quite high for part 2. Rating: 4.2/5

Know Richard Branson - "Losing My Virginity" (Book Review)

The Book "Losing My Virginity" is an autobiography of English businessman Richard Branson. Branson takes us through his unbelievable journey of the Virgin group of Companies. The narrative is nothing short of a thriller. Any reader will be thoroughly inspired by the sequences that happened in his life. He has a unique philosophy in both business and life that has made him successful. The book covers his personal as well as business endeavours which makes it complete. Since this is an autobiography, the reader has to be critical about different things mentioned, obviously. This is an absolute treat to spend time with. The book is long for a lot of peoples' liking but I felt it was necessary to tell both his personal and "Virgin" story. This is absolutely a gem of a book to spend time with, especially if you aspire to be an entrepreneur. Rating: 4/5

That Desiring Lawyer(Series Review)

The Lincoln Lawyer- Netflix Series, Season 1- is old wine in a new bottle, but the bottle is pretty good. What we expect from a courtroom crime series. that's exactly what we get, maybe a little unrealistic. The story goes through a linear narrative and boy, it is fast. Lawyer Mickie Haller gets back to law practice after a bad phase in life and the roller coaster starts then and there. The minute things in each case are well shown, and the detailing of the courtroom and each law detail are shown to great perfection. Once you are into this, you will get a knack for it as well. Acting is pretty good, nothing extraordinary, but everyone does their job well. There are numerous characters in this series, which gives way for the second season or more probably.  Overall, it's a pretty decent watch if you love this genre . I have not watched the movie Lincoln Lawyer or read the book from which the whole thing is adapted. Looking forward to getting hands-on both as well. Rating: 3.5/5

The GEM - Everything Everywhere All At Once(Movie Review)

This is one kind of movie that reminds me of the speciality of existence. All living creatures that exist now have outlived all the shortcomings, failures, heartbreaks and wars, and we are still here, alive. That itself is an achievement. Everything Everywhere All At Once is by far the best Sci-Fi Action Adventure movie in 2022. The story, cinematography, action..everything about this movie makes us hold to our seats for the entire duration. Michelle Yeoh at the age of 59 has shown acting and skills age like wine. Insane performance from her side. The action sequences were on point. The only drawback I felt was the science concepts at times felt too fast to keep track of. But that is just nitpicking. We need more filmmakers to take this risk to mix different genres and surprise us. Well, I hope this movie will be an inspiration for a lot more.

That was little Strange from Dr Strange(Movie Review)

When Stephen Strange returns, the expectations are quite high. Did the new one meet the expectations?.. It is a Yes and No. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, directed by "horror director" Sam Raimi is a good sequel to Disney's Series Wandavision but has nothing much to do with Doctor Strange 1. The director's style of filmmaking is new to Marvel Movies and you will definitely have an awesome time at the theatre. The cinematography, visual effects and background scores take us to the world shown in this movie. Talking about performances, Elizabeth Olsen bags the first prize. She hits every checkbox of acting in this movie. As this is MCU phase 3,(where first is Hydra, second is Thanos)it is quite early to determine how important this movie is to the upcoming sequels. From a neutral perspective, the film serves justice but people who have not seen Wandavision might feel a little clueless about what is happening. The action sequences are quite good. Another dr

Circe - The Ride through Gods(Book Review)

Madeline Miller, the author of Circe, takes us on an amazing ride through the world of Greek GODS. Looking through the eyes of the main character "Circe" who is a goddess, she portrays even GODS are not black and white but grey. Her writing helps us to empathize with the character and the justification for her actions is connected to the reader. The story is about the Goddess Circe who gets into trouble in her childhood itself and gets exiled to an uninhabited island. Since she is immortal the exile seems like a prison for eternity. But Circe realizes her potential and her ambitions. The island in itself becomes "home" for her. The writer takes the character through a lot of situations and twists which will make readers grip their seats throughout. The only drawback I found was that too many characters come and go which makes it difficult for us to keep track at times. Even though the protagonist is a Goddess, Miller touches the mortal sides of this immortal being a